Tag Archives: adopt dont shop

A Protest Music Interview: Soya The Cow

What do you do when you want to fight for the animals and the planet? Petition? March? Make protest art? One Swiss artist, Daniel Hellman, found a way to mix his love for the performance arts, music and animals by creating an alter ego: Soya the Cow, “the gender and species bending drag cow”.

Through the powers of this artistic creature Daniel takes the stage at animal and human rights protest events, gives talks about consent, performs music, is part of the programming team of a sex-positive, feminist art festival and much more.

The creation, Soya the Cow, is wrapping up her first music album and after discovering her work via her fascinating Instagram profile I hit her up with a few questions about her activism and her upcoming album.

Halldór: First of all, for those not familiar with your work, who is Soya the Cow?

Soya the Cow: Soya is species and gender bending drag cow. She is a singer and songwriter, working on her first album that will be released in 2020. She was born to inspire, challenge the status quo and fight for the voiceless. She unites queer-feminist ideas with animal rights activism and poetry. Soya stands for love, social justice and climate justice for every being on this planet.

Halldór: Has your art always been political or made in protest?

Soya the Cow: Before becoming Soya, I have been making theater projects with political ambitions and topics, dealing with the rights of sexual minorities or refugees and also with animal rights. But I had the urge to do more, to reach more people and to speak more directly to people’s hearts. That’s why Soya the Cow was born. First only as an idea inspired by fierce drag artists and by my favourite animals. And with the help of amazing friends and collaborators, suddenly she was there – with a beautiful face, long lashes and udders!

Halldór: Your art flows, effortlessly it seems, between different disciplines such as fashion, activism and music. How and why did these different talents or outlets join together?

Soya the Cow: I grew up singing in a Boys’ Choir and since there were no girls in the choir, I used to play all the female characters in the theater nights that we organised in our rehearsal camps. It was just natural for me to put on heels and a wig. Later I became a professional singer, then a theater maker, then an activist. Somehow it seems that these different portions of my life, that seemed isolated in the past, are coming together now in Soya. It’s a very exciting feeling.

Halldór: The rights of animals is a large part of your art. When and why did you decide to fight for the rights of those who don’t have a voice in human society?

Soya the Cow: There are many important battles to engage in. But when I was researching for a theater-dance project about meat and death, it really shook me in all my being. It was an earthquake in my internal moral compass. I got exposed to what is actually going on behind the closed doors of factory farms, transport vehicles, laboratories and slaughterhouses, and also in the oceans and fish factories. I allowed it to touch me. I looked into the eyes of cows, pigs, chicken or fishes, and I learned to see them as individuals with personalities, as subjects. Not as mere objects who only exist to satisfy human interests or pleasures.

Once this shift had happened, I knew that I had to do my best to end or at least reduce this insane amount of unnecessary suffering. The brutality is so extreme and it’s happening every single day, it’s part of our daily lives to the point that most humans don’t even realise any more that we are part of such a violent system. I have gone through this myself and there is just no justification. That’s why I want to use my voice for ALL animals, for climate justice and the liberation of everybody.

Halldór: You are about to release your debut album. Can you tell us a bit about your musical background and how the process has been creating this piece of work?

Soya the Cow: I studied classical singing, but was bored with the stories told in the opera world. As a queer person of the 21st century, I needed to create work that made sense for me. For my album, I teamed up with the producer Phil Constantin. He has a background in jazz and electronic music and we share an openness towards many musical styles and forms.

For this album, I have been writing lyrics and songs that take the subjective experience of a dairy cow as a starting point to reflect on questions that reach far beyond the topic of animal rights – from the loss of a child to the threat of extinction. Drag has always been playing with imitation and appropriation, it is absolutely serious and hilariously exaggerated at the same time. We also have this element in our music. We visit different musical styles and make them our own. With lots of love, sadness and a good dose of humour .

Halldór: Some protest artists and musicians perform at very specific events with therefore a limited audience. How do you reach the people that most importantly need to hear your message?

Soya the Cow: That’s an important question. I have performed at the Animal Rights March in Berlin in front of a few thousand animal rights activists, that was of course wonderful! Similar when I was performing at street blockades of Extinction Rebellion. But I have also been singing in the context of contemporary art festivals, where killing animals for food is still the norm. Soya is a rebel and trouble maker at heart, and I’m open and willing to be exposed to audiences that might find Soya very disturbing. Maybe I can even sing at the Eurovision Song Contest one day!

Halldór: Are you following other contemporary protest artists? How do you feel about the scenes you work in (the drag scene, the visual arts scene or the music scene) in regards to protest and activism? Are people using their voices?

Soya the Cow: I see many artists doing incredible work. Powerful, political and challenging. In all fields. I do not make a big distinction between art and activism any more. The only thing that changes is the context. But it’s people with a vision and something to say and to share, who use their creativity to raise awareness, to give space for voices and ideas that are not listened to enough.

I also think, that art and activism are not sufficient. We can inspire or create a spark. But this spark needs to travel and spread. We need artists, activists, scientists, journalists, entrepreneurs, politicians, healers, teachers and much more… If we want to bring the transformation the world so desperately needs, all of these people are essential.

Halldór: How about other musicians or artists, who are your influences or motivations?

Soya the Cow: There is a long list of artists who I admire deeply for their art and their capacity to touch us and to inspire whole movements. I think of eternal muses like Nina Simone or David Bowie, or today I’d love to mention Janaelle Monae. Equally important for me are anti-speciesist activists like Earthling Ed, who manages to reach hundred thousands of people with his speeches and his smart and always respectful conversations with meat-eaters. Or my friend, animal rights activist and writer, Virginia Markus, who runs a sanctuary where humans, cats, chicken, horses, pigs, cats, donkeys and goats live peacefully together as one big family. It’s a magical place that gives me hope.

Halldór: What other extra curricular activism activities do you partake in beside your music?

Soya the Cow: I’m part of Animal Rebellion. We are a branch of Extinction Rebellion, fighting the inaction of our governments in regard to the climate and ecosystem crisis. We demand climate justice for all animals, the end of animal agriculture and the fishing industries and the transition into a plant based food system.

I’m also working in the programming team for the sex-positive, feminist art festival La Fête du Slip in Lausanne (Switzerland). This is my contribution to a more diverse representation of genders and sexualities in the art world.

Halldór: Some people seem to believe that arts and activism should be separated. What do you feel about that?

Soya the Cow: I believe that nothing should be separated. We need more connection, more conversations. There are artists whose work is unpolitical and that’s ok with me. I might also enjoy looking at it or listening to it. It’s just not the type of work I want to dedicate my time for. What I find more important is that we stop harming others in the sake of art. Or fashion or food.

Halldór: What is on the horizon for you?

Soya the Cow: At the moment, I’m running a crowdfunding campaign, to finance the album and my first three music videos. I want to collaborate with a women’s video collective in Switzerland. And the album is due to be released in the spring. From there on, it’s an open journey and I’ll show up where my voice and message are needed.

Halldór: Thank you very much for participating and for your work! Anything else you’d like to shout from the rooftops?

Soya the Cow: Be kind with all animals, including yourself! And follow me on social media, if you want to stay tuned when my music comes out.

On Facebook

3 Animal Rights Albums & 3 Animal Shelters We Recommend

Dogs. They are incredible creatures. All animals are fascinating but personally I have a deep connection with dogs. I have two dogs in my life. One has been my best friend for almost 13 years. His name is Prestur and he used to be a tour guide in an Icelandic lava cave and a welcome host at an artist residency in the highlands of Iceland. He has lived a full life and made tons of friends, from around the world, both human and canine.

The other one is Atlas, a Border Collie and Boxer mix, who came into my life 6 years ago. My partner and I found him in Iceland when a woman with three ‘accident’ puppies was about to give them away or take them to be euthanized.

These two creatures are now nomad dogs. In April 2018 we set off in our jeep with all our most important things and set course for Europe. During our travels we always contact dog shelters and spend a good time of every week volunteering and helping out.

It’s been a year and a half now and we have all seen unbelievable nature, stunning structures and met wonderful people. We have also seen the lack of care and empathy for domestic animals and in many places it is a grave problem. I recommend to anyone who feels love for animals to help out at animal shelters. The connection felt and the unconditional love received is beyond words.

I figured it seemed only right on World Animal Day to share some of the animal rights albums I have found as well as three dog shelters in Europe that I have worked with.

Please consider helping them out in any way possible.


Let’s Talk ABOUT IT by IFEEL

IFEEL could possibly be the most empathetic rapper coming out of Croatia these days. In an interview with Shouts he explained his mission:

“I tell stories about animals’ lives. A lot of songs are from animals’ point of view, because they cannot talk and tell us how they feel. We have all been cleverly and systematically lied to and desensitized to ignore violence around us. My mission is to bring this to light and inspire people to have a better life and help animals have better lives. I do this with music and activism.”


This concept album is a rare gem in the animal rights music genre. More commonly one finds punk and hardcore bands protesting through their music. ANIIML’s electro pop is an extremely fresh breath of air. Although not as literal as some other protest music ANIIML makes it clear from the start that this album is all about the earth, its creatures and her plea for a better harmony between us all.

FIGHT/RESIST by Wake of Humanity

The heaviest band on this short list comes out of Seattle, USA. This young band states that they exist “For the animals. For the environment. For human justice.” and from there the blast begins. This is proper, straight edge, vegan hardcore.


Crete, Greece

The Souda Shelter Project is a very well maintained and organized animal shelter on the Island of Crete. The knowledge and ideas some of the residents of this stunning island have of animal welfare is extremely old school and broken and tossed puppies and poison on the street is a regular thing.

I worked at this shelter and I recommend them.


Burgas, Bulgaria

This shelter in Bulgaria exists under tremendously difficult situations. The country is the poorest within the EU, in last place regarding press freedom and absolutely full of stray dogs and misinformed people.

I worked at this shelter and I recommend them.


Granada, Spain

Spain might be more well known for its ignorant torture of bulls but there are quite a few strays on its streets as well. This shelter is one of many shelters working to fight that ignorance and help both dogs and cats.

I worked at this shelter and I recommend them.


A Protest Music Interview: IFEEL

According to new and updated laws in Croatia many old, traditional habits are dying out; chaining and tethering of dogs, fur farming and breeding animals for fur, animals working to pull logs and firewood out of forests and animals in circuses – it’s all been completely banned as well as many other things. After all, animals have their rights too.

The struggle is still existent though and the battle continues, as in most places. Dogs and cats are left on the streets and mass production farming and torture is rampant. But animals have a few supporters and soldiers out there in human form that use their voice for the voiceless in human society.

IFEEL is one of those soldiers. The Croatian-American rapper has been active since before 2012, when his debut album was released. His latest effort, LET’S TALK ABOUT IT, came out last year and his craft has only gotten better and more empathetic.

IFEEL has a unique voice in the global rap scene. He explicitly sings for and about animals and it’s clear that he is a voice on a mission. I caught up with IFEEL via email and learned about his music, his love for animals, his work and his activism.

For those not familiar with your work, who is IFEEL?

I tell stories about animals’ lives. A lot of songs are from animals’ point of view, because they cannot talk and tell us how they feel. We have all been cleverly and systematically lied to and desensitized to ignore violence around us. My mission is to bring this to light and inspire people to have a better life and help animals have better lives. I do this with music and activism.

When did you start making music and writing rhymes?

I grew up on Rakim, Afrika Bambaataa, KRS One, Public Enemy and Tribe Called Quest, which had a meaningful, positive impact on my life/music path. Music has a power to change the world… especially hip hop, because you can say a whole lot in three verses – with energy and power that can move people. No other music genre can do that. I started writing rhymes when I was in college, in my early twenties, but my first studio album ANIMAL IN ME came out in 2012.

Your latest album Let’s Talk ABOUT IT is very political and straight to the point. Has your music always been political?

I don’t talk much about politics, but I definitely talk about evil little men who run the world and profit off the greed and pain of other beings. I respect rappers who have the courage to talk about what they believe in. All artists who take a stand for an issue in their own creative way are fighting for justice. We are all fighting the same fight. Hip hop has always been a powerful weapon for social justice. I rap about what I am passionate about and I believe that I can make a difference in the world with what I do – inspire people to see things in a new way – for humans, animals and the planet.

LET’S TALK ABOUT IT is about things we need to start talking about if we want to survive on this planet and bring the humanity back. Our society and world as a whole is falling apart in many ways, but here I talk about the negative effect we have on our own lives, lives of animals and environment. This album is a blueprint on how to
change that. I offer a reason, incentive and solution to the problem. The album is designed to tell you the whole story in a positive, emotional way in about 60 minutes.

How and when did your love for animals begin?

I grew up in a family that respected nature and animals so the respect and love for animals was there since day 1. I reaffirmed my respect and love for them when I found out how “food” was made: I immediately went vegetarian and in 2012, I went vegan. I could not say that I love animals and at the same time eat animals. I also knew that I had to find a way to inspire others to feel that as well.

I visited countless animal shelters and sanctuaries. That is where the real connection happens. In the heart and mind. I recommend visiting and helping shelters and sanctuaries.

You perform quite a bit at vegan and other animal rights events. But how about non activist events? How do you get your message across to those that don’t want to hear it?

I perform at vegan events and festivals but not at non-activist events. Most of the topics I talk about are not mainstream, so from the start I’m reaching a smaller percentage of people than an average rapper. When it comes to people and my music, though, no one gets defensive because I don’t attack anyone in my songs and music videos. I motivate people to feel something they have never felt before. Those who don’t want to hear that message don’t listen to my music.

How can non-vegans help make this world a better place for animals?

There are many ways to help. Going vegan is the easiest and healthiest way to do that. The first thing to do is find out WHY you want to help. I did it because of the animals. Someone might do it for their health, others for the planet. The fact is that we humans feel better when we help others. And it can give our life a meaning.

How is your home country of Croatia in terms of animal abuse/rights? Are things changing?

There have been many positive changes in the last five years in regards to fighting for animal rights, and veganism is booming in Croatia. I collaborate closely with Animal Friends Croatia, the main animal rights organization in the country, on many vegan / AR campaigns. I also organize a group of activists called VEGAN THUGZ and we promote veganism and compassion in positive, creative ways (vegan chill&grill events, fundraisers for animal shelters and
sanctuaries, volunteering in animal shelters and sanctuaries, promotion of veganism at festivals, online Facebook actions).

When inspired in a right way, and especially on social media, many people are willing to do much more than click like and share. Facebook activism is one thing. Face-to-face activism is something completely different – and more fulfilling and meaningful. For effective activism, it’s important to learn how to combine both online and offline work.

You are a certified biotherapist. Can you explain what that is about and how you help people and animals through that discipline?

Healing has always been a part of my life. After finishing university (psychology), I worked with abused children in group homes, where I helped them express their emotions and heal with hip hop music. Years later, I discovered biotherapy and got my training and experience helping people and animals with their illnesses. With biotherapy you can help others heal by helping boost their immunity – their own defense systems. As a certified fitness trainer, I help people feel better, too. What we eat, drink and do has a lot to do with that. That is why I give a free online “FEEL GOOD” guide to all people who get my album. Empathy, fitness, good food. It’s a good start for a better world.

What are some of your musical motivations these days? Any contemporary (or not) musicians you want to give a shout out to?

Travis Scott, Eminem, Kendrick Lamar, RZA, A$AP Rocky, Joey Bada$$. There’s a lot of interesting game changers in hip hop lately. Change is good. Hip hop has a bad rap nowadays because of the mumble rap scene, but I think that won’t last much longer.

If you could have 4 different animal species as your back up singers, which animals would you invite along?

Wolf leads the pack, elephant knows, dog shows teeth and barks, and there’s a pig. Pig is the brains of the pack. And also one of the most abused animals on the planet. Maybe that’s why the pig calculates and plans all the moves. Btw, they are not my backup singers, they are a part of my team already.

What is on the horizon for you?

I’m in the studio working on new music… working with a very special producer and we plan on bringing something different in 2020, something much needed in the world of hip hop.

Thank you again for participating and for the music. Anything else you’d like to shout from the rooftops?

Thank you for reaching out. And thank you for your activism. We are all given talents and opportunities to become the best we can be and to help others and the world. That’s what life is all about. It’s not just about “me”, it’s about “we.” Check out my video TRUMP MUSIC. It shows what happens when we start idealizing and following dangerous psychopaths.
